El estatuto de los parlamentarios en Colombia


  • Ricardo Zuluaga Gil Author


Prerogatives. immunity. prohibitions. the parliamentarians' statute. incompetence/disqualifications. conflict of interests. loss of the invested power.


This document deals with the study of the so-called "estatuto de los parlamentarios" (parliamentarians' statute) - one of the aspects of constitutional organics least studied in Colombia- integrated by two categories: prerogatives and prohibitions. These two instruments have been historically used in attempting. on the one hand, to ensure the freedom of the congressional action; and, on the other. to maintain a high level of exigency regarding the morality of those who are the representatives and voices of the people's will. This work. under a compared-law perspective and in the light of jurisprudential pronouncements. studies the advantages and difficulties offered by the exceptionally special - by reason of its demanding and rigorous nature - regulation adopted in our country on this matter.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Zuluaga Gil


How to Cite

Zuluaga Gil, R. (2009). El estatuto de los parlamentarios en Colombia. Díkaion, 12. Retrieved from https://dikaion.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/dikaion/article/view/1249



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