Marco jurídico en materia de seguridad en la agenda hermisférica


  • Alicia Kerber Palma Author


International security, hemispheric security, democratic security, human security.


The new international scene has confronted the world’s nations with a reconceptualization of the term “international security”. Approaches made to this date may seem to respond to particular private interests rather than actually addressing the need to face the new international threats. The Conference on Hemispheric Security held in Mexico in 2003 achieved significant inter-American advances by putting forward the multidimensional security concept where the Region’s different political, economic, and social propositions join together, in this way invigorating international law.


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Author Biography

Alicia Kerber Palma

Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Iberoamericana de México y doctora en Derecho Internacional por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Actualmente es miembro del Servicio Exterior Mexicano.

How to Cite

Kerber Palma, A. (2009). Marco jurídico en materia de seguridad en la agenda hermisférica. Díkaion, 13. Retrieved from


