The Debt of Legal Clinics’ Conciliation Centers with Insolvent Individuals. Seven Years’ Inactivity of the Insolvency Procedure in Conciliatory Events of Legal Practice




Insolvency, personal financial crisis, uncommercial individual, legal clinics, free legal services, experiential law education


Since 2012, Colombia has a defined insolvency procedure for uncommercial individuals whose purpose is to stabilize the debtor financially and recover the debt for creditors. According to the regulatory framework, this procedure may be initiated free of charge with conciliation centers of legal clinics. However, and even though there is an urgent need for counseling and application of the procedure for insolvent people in vulnerable conditions, no university conciliation center in Bogotá provides this service as of 2019, seven years after the issuance of this procedure. This article derives from a research exercise whose aim is to determine the factors that would explain this situation. For this, we relate the concepts of poverty and economic precariousness to insolvency, elaborate on the purposes of the insolvency procedure for uncommercial individuals and the manifest weakness of insolvent debtors in Colombia, refer to the pedagogical and social objectives of legal clinics, and present the results.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Montoya, Universidad de los Andes

Abogado, magister en propiedad intelectual, especialista en derecho comercial. Con estudios en derecho privado, económico e insolvencia.


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How to Cite

Montoya, J. C. (2021). The Debt of Legal Clinics’ Conciliation Centers with Insolvent Individuals. Seven Years’ Inactivity of the Insolvency Procedure in Conciliatory Events of Legal Practice. Díkaion, 30(1), 10–26.


