Aplicabilidad de la teoría de la división de poderes en la actualidad: Estudio comparado del sistema de controles que se ejercen sobre la rama ejecutiva del poder público en algunos Estados de Latinoamerica


  • Ángela María Páez Murcia Author Universidad de La Sabana


Comparison, constitutions, Latin America - division of government.


The division of government into branches or functions continues to exist up to the present time; this is evident when every constitution assigns specific tasks to the organs of government and therefore to the system of controls that derives from them. This notwithstanding, the controls exercised on the executive branch of the government can vary from one State to another, as some States include these functions in their Political Constitution and others assign this task to the legislator; however, substantially they deal with the same aspects.

In some States, it is possible to perceive an that there exists an ideological basis in the constitutional consecration of the controls, as it is the case in Cuba and Venezuela. In others, federalist tradition causes the constitutional development to be scarce, as in Argentina and Mexico. In spite of these differences, most Sates start from a clear consecration of a control system on the executive function of the government.


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Author Biography

Ángela María Páez Murcia, Universidad de La Sabana

Abogada del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, donde cursó el Diplomado en Contratación Estatal y adelanta la tesis de la maestría en Derecho Administrativo. Profesora de Teoría General del Estado y de Derecho Natural, así como directora de estudiantes de la Universidad de La Sabana.

How to Cite

Páez Murcia, Ángela M. (2009). Aplicabilidad de la teoría de la división de poderes en la actualidad: Estudio comparado del sistema de controles que se ejercen sobre la rama ejecutiva del poder público en algunos Estados de Latinoamerica. Díkaion, 14(1). Retrieved from https://dikaion.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/dikaion/article/view/1325


