Aplicabilidad de la teoría de la división de poderes en la actualidad


  • Ángela María Páez Murcia Author Universidad de La Sabana


From the second stage of this research it arises that the three folded powers division as a classical notion of the theory of state and as the core mean to limit the practice of public power seems to have weakened in the constitutions of Latin America. Concepts as harmonizing cooperation among organisms and specialization of control function seem to replace the traditional division of pubic power.

The comparative analysis evidences that differences between one and another state on the control exerted over the executive are perceptible in the exercise shape of those controls, but the same structure is kept from one constitution to the other.


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Author Biography

Ángela María Páez Murcia, Universidad de La Sabana

Abogada del Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, donde cursó el Diplomado en Contratación Estatal y adelanta la tesis de la maestría en Derecho Administrativo. Profesora de Teoría General del Estado y de Derecho Natural, así como directora de estudiantes de la Universidad de La Sabana.

How to Cite

Páez Murcia, Ángela M. (2009). Aplicabilidad de la teoría de la división de poderes en la actualidad. Díkaion, 15(2). Retrieved from https://dikaion.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/dikaion/article/view/1356



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