Los promblemas económicos y la constitución: una relación difícil pero necesaria


  • Walter Carnota Author


Constitution, economic system, constitutional interpretation, fundamental rights.


Historically speaking, constitutionalism was concerned with establishing limits to power. On this understanding, both civil and political rights were protected in the North American and French Revolutions. Notwithstanding the Industrial Revolution entailed many significant changes in the socioeconomic area. The State intervention became omnipresent; labor and social security rights began to be recognized. Since the Second World War, new human and social needs have emerged. Economic processes are gaining far-reaching and global consequences. Constitutionalists must rise to the challenge and help designing mechanisms for the effective validity and force and effect of human rights on all fronts.


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Author Biography

Walter Carnota

Catedrático de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Miembro del Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Constitucional.

How to Cite

Carnota, W. (2009). Los promblemas económicos y la constitución: una relación difícil pero necesaria. Díkaion, 16(1). Retrieved from https://dikaion.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/dikaion/article/view/1383


