La dimensión jurídica de la ley natural y su lugar en el orden normativo vigente


  • Camila Herrera Pardo Author


Natural law, juridical norm, constitutional norm, cosmopolitan law.


One of the multiple dimensions of natural law is to be a juridical norm. This means that natural law is formal principle of juridical relations and measure of rights. As juridical norm, the natural law has constitutional range, which means that it has an essencial role in the juridical structure of the polis, and beacause of that it has hierarchiecal superiority in relation with other legal rules. It also means that natural law is both principle and limit clause of ordinary laws. Being a sector of the constitutional order which contains requirements for universal justice captables by natural reason and settled in human nature, natural-constitutional norms are a common nucleus of legality to all nations, so part of the internal constitutional order identifies with the core of the cosmopolitan law.


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Author Biography

Camila Herrera Pardo

Doctorando en Derecho. Profesora de Filosofía del Derecho de la universidad de La Sabana.

How to Cite

Herrera Pardo, C. (2009). La dimensión jurídica de la ley natural y su lugar en el orden normativo vigente. Díkaion, 17. Retrieved from


