The moral irrelevance’s paradox of government and Law. An approach to Carlos Nino’s thought


  • Juan Cianciardo Author Universidad Austral


Human rights, irrelevant argument, Law and Moral, deliberative democracy, government, politics and moral.


Some authors have maintained that if law and moral were connected, then law will be irrelevant as Moral will be enought to regulate social life. This paper will examine this objection against the “conection thesis”. In other words, this paper will study posible answers to the question regarding the practical difference that law provides to Moral. As starting point, It will be taken some written texts of the Argentine philosopher Carlos Nino that deal with this topic.


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Author Biography

Juan Cianciardo, Universidad Austral

Profesor de Filosofía del Derecho en la Universidad Austral, e investigador del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Técnica de la Argentina (Conicet). Una primera versión de este trabajo fue presentada en la jornada “La paradoja de la irrelevancia moral del gobierno y del Derecho” que se desarrolló en la Universidad Austral en junio de 2009. Allí pude enriquecerme con los comentarios y las observaciones de los profesores Carlos Massini, Pedro Serna, Pilar Zambrano y Juan B. Etcheverry, entre otros, a quienes agradezco.

How to Cite

Cianciardo, J. (2010). The moral irrelevance’s paradox of government and Law. An approach to Carlos Nino’s thought. Díkaion, 19(1). Retrieved from


