Secularisms, reflections from comparative jurisprudence: Colombia, France and the United States




Secularity, neutrality, secularism, laïcité, establishment clause


Secularism has been defined from a progressive jurisprudential development in Colombia, France and the United States, three countries that define and regulate secularism in a different way. Accordingly, the priority of the jurisprudence of the Colombian Constitutional Court has focused on defining the concept of secularism and the scope of the religious neutrality of the State that was originally closely linked to the Catholic Church. France, for its part, is the example of how secularism is a major challenge for the State, which seeks to adapt its rules to the realities and social and cultural conflicts that French multicultural society is experiencing. As for the United States, secularism is concretized in a very “religious” pragmatism, since, invoking God, with any type of confessional filiation.


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How to Cite

García-López, L. F. (2024). Secularisms, reflections from comparative jurisprudence: Colombia, France and the United States. Díkaion, 33(1), e3313.


