Sex-Gender Relationship Models: From “Gender Odeology” to the Complementing Male-Female Model


  • Angela Aparisi-Miralles Author Universidad de Navarra


Gender ideology, use of linguistics, complement.


The term gender has found a seat in the contemporary anthropological, social, political and legal discourse. It has integrated into the academic language, legal statutes and essentially, it has become part of many United Nations documents and programs since 1995. It is a multiple meaning word that has been used to signal the biological difference between the sexes. Likewise, it has been used in logic, in philosophy and linguistics (distinguishing, masculine, feminine and neutral words). It has also been used to refer to humanity (the human gender) or more generally, to appeal to a conceptual category that groups individuals or things with similar relevant characteristics. From the 1960’s, it started being positively used in the struggle against discrimination against women.



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How to Cite

Aparisi-Miralles, A. (2013). Sex-Gender Relationship Models: From “Gender Odeology” to the Complementing Male-Female Model. Díkaion, 21(2), 357–384. Retrieved from