Ensayo sobre "lo justo político" a la luz del pensamiento aristotélico


  • Gabriel Mora Restrepo Author Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de La Sabana


Political just (politikón díkaion), natural Law, and polis, Law, nature, particular law, Common Law, unjust


Aristotelian thought reflects natural law, regarded as a community moral issue and as such with judging effect. Within political just (politikón díkaion) reside various concepts which taken as a whole allow for comprehension of philosophy of human affairs. Justice understood as the core of pólis determines order of political community, where individuals are equal and free. However, equity should be ruled and measured by law along ruling for appropriate social behavior.

Political Law has two origins, the first one is natural not subject to human will but universal; the second one is of human nature set forth by man. Therefore, it is important to underline that in the context of natural origin, political order tries to solve dichotomy between a good citizen, regarded as an individual capable of generate a positive response before a given regime, and a simple good man regarded as a mature cautious human being capable of showing adequate behavior in any regime.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Mora Restrepo, Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de La Sabana

Profesor de Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad de La Sabana.

Candidato a doctor por la Universidad Austral de Buenos Aires (Argentina).

How to Cite

Mora Restrepo, G. (2009). Ensayo sobre "lo justo político" a la luz del pensamiento aristotélico. Díkaion, 11. Retrieved from https://dikaion.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/dikaion/article/view/384


