The Scientific Nature of Commercial Procedural Law


  • Martin Eduardo Pérez-Cázares Author Universidad de Guadalajara


Commercial procedural law, scientific development of procedural law, science, scientific subsystem, problems of commercial procedural law litigation.


The intent of this article is to demonstrate that commercial procedure law is a scientific discipline. It proposes that the progress obtained as such be applied in the administration of justice, so as to generate a new comercial procedural law that is in keeping with the new millennium. Because science is a scientific subsystem, the nature of which changes (just like commerce), evolves and develops as a result of globalization and modern market forms, there is a need for renewal and innovation in the comercial process.

DOI: 10.5294/dika.2015.24.2.8


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Author Biography

Martin Eduardo Pérez-Cázares, Universidad de Guadalajara

Abogado, Maestro en Derecho Privado, Doctor en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, profesor investigador Titular “B” de la Universidad de Guadalajara,  perfil promep, miembro de la Academia Jalisciense de Ciencias, miembro del comité de pares de la Revista Convergencia, de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM), Arbitro de la revista Frónesis de la Universidad de Zulia Venezuela



How to Cite

Pérez-Cázares, M. E. (2016). The Scientific Nature of Commercial Procedural Law. Díkaion, 24(2), 383–412. Retrieved from


