Sobre iusnaturalismo y validez del derecho
Legal validity, classical natural law, tradition, legal positivismAbstract
On Natural Law and Legal Validity
Sobre jusnaturalismo e validade do direito
This article aims at rethinking an explaining the quite “new” problem of the legal validity from the categories, philosophical presuppositions and definitions of the Classical Natural Law tradition. Thus, I will try to offer a contribution to the development of that tradition to amplify, amend and explain it. Also, this work will face the many recent challenges that Classical Natural Law tradition has had, like problems and critics coming from other philosophical paradigms, which offer an explanation on the concept of legal validity.
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Carlos I. Massini-Correas. “Sobre iusnaturalismo y validez del derecho”, en Dikaion, 28, 1 (2019), 7-34. DOI: 10.5294/dika.2019.28.1.1
Recibido: 10/07/2018
Aceptado: 05/09/2018
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