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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text has not been published or submitted previously to another periodical.

  • The submitted file is formatted in Microsoft Word or Open Office.

  • The text adheres to the bibliographic requirements and the style rules indicated in the Instructions for Authors, which can be found in the “About” section of the journal.

  • If I am submitting a document for peer review, I guarantee the instructions outlined in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

  • Authors must accept and sight the Statement of Originality. This document must be uploaded with the paper submission. Find the option “Statement of Originality” when uploading.
  • Graphs and tables are included pursuant to the journal’s specifications, as outlined in the Instructions for Authors.

  • I guarantee the bibliography is complete, according to the indications on citation and the requirements outlined in the Instructions for Authors
  • The manuscript must have the summary of the article, which corresponds to the titles and subtitles of it.

Author Guidelines

Structure of the Articles: All articles submitted to the journal and subject to the peer review process must be structured as follows, at the very least.

i) Title. It should be short, indicative of the central theme of the article and not include abbreviations.  The title should be written in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

ii) Information on the Author(s). The following information must be provided by each author: full name, researcher identification number or ORCID code (see the following link:, institutional affiliation and institutional email. Be aware that in the ORCID box, in the metadata form, there will be an error if you put https://. The correct form to add your ORCID number is without the "s", like this: http://.

*Updated: 2020/03/02

iii) Abstract. In no more than 200 words, the abstract must outline the objective of the research being presented, the methodology used, and offer very brief summary of the hypothesis that was proven. It should not include references.

iv) Keywords. The author(s) must provide a list of four to eight key terms related to the contents of the article that can be used to classify it.

v) Body of Work. The article must not exceed 12,000 words, including footnotes and excluding the references list.  Summaries or reviews must contain no more than 2,000 words.  The text must be submitted in Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 line height. It must include an introduction (indicating the research problem addressed in the article), and the development of the arguments must be divided into headings and sub-headings.

vi) Conclusions. A separate paragraph must be presented with the main findings of the research.

vii) Bibliographic References.  These must be included as outlined in the following instructions.

f)  Instructions for Submitting Articles for Consideration. Articles to be submitted for a peer review must be sent through the OJS system. Click here to start the process by creating a user. The following steps must be completed to send an article.

a) Go to and click on register. If you do not have a user name and a password, fill out the form and check the author box.

b) If you already have a username and a password, log on to send original and click on go to identification.

c) Select the section of the journal you want to receive your article. Check the verification boxes, if the article complies with each of the recommendations, then click on save and continue.

d) Attach the article if it contains all the features described in the guidelines for contributing authors.  To do so, click on browse,  select the file and press the upload link.

e) Include all metadata on the article, especially the information on the authors and co-authors, omitting none of them (this is the information that will appear in the journal). Click on save and continue.

f) Go to the supporting files section and include the Declaration of Originality, in PDF and signed the authors and co-authors (incomplete declarations of originality will not be accepted).  A list of conditions or requirements for publication, signed by the corresponding author, must be included as well, along with any additional files that might be considered necessary for the article.

g) Confirm the article has been sent.  You will receive automatic notification, with the number assigned to the article.

You may track your article by logging on to the platform with your user name and assigned password. Once you have logged on, you may access your article directly and verify its status.

If your article has been accepted for publication, any adjustments or corrections that have been requested may be submitted through the same platform.


Bibliographic references should appear at the bottom of the page and not in the body of the text.

The following is the format to be used:

  • For books: the author’s first name and surname (the surname in small capital letters), title of the work (in cursive or italics), place of publication, publisher, year of publication, page or pages cited (all separated by commas).

Antonio Enrique PÉREZ LUÑO, Derechos Humanos, Estado de Derecho y Constitución, Madrid, Tecnos, 1984, p. 249.

  • In the case of a translation, the name of the author must appear after the publisher’s name.

John S. HAMMOND, Decisiones inteligentes, Bogotá, Editorial Norma, trad. By Jorge Cárdenas, 1999, p. 625.

  • For a chapter in an edited book or articles that are part of a collective work:  the author’s first name and surname (the surname in small capital letters), "title of the text”  (in normal font and enclosed in quotation marks),  the first name and surname of the compiler or editor (the surname in small capital letters), or the case of several authors with no stated editor or compiler, title of the work, place of publication, publisher, year of publication and page or pages cited.

Pablo LUCAS VERDÚ, "Constitución de 1978 e interpretación constitucional. Un enfoque interpretativo de la Constitución española," in Ignacio IGARTUA (editor), La interpretación de la Constitución. Demarcación y perspectivas, San Sebastián, Universidad del País Vasco, 1985. p. 46-51.

  • For journal articles: the author’s first name and surname, "title of the article, " name of the journal (in cursive or italics), edition number (year in parenthesis), page or pages cited.

Pablo NAVARRO, "Sistema jurídico, casos difíciles y conocimiento del Derecho," in DoxaCuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho, 14 (1993), p. 243.

  • For newspaper articles: the author’s first name and surname, "Title of the article," name of the newspaper (in cursive or italics), date (day, month and year), page or pages cited.

Eduardo POSADA, "Los argumentos reeleccionistas," El Tiempo, 8 May 2009, A24.

  • For material online: the author’s first name and surname, "Title of the article," publishing source, date of publication (if available), website address, date accessed.

Victoria ROCA PÉREZ, "Derecho y razonamiento práctico en C. S. Nino," Universidad de Alicante, 2002, from (accessed 15 May 2008).


The bibliography should be presented in alphabetical order, as a list and as the last title of the manuscript, according to the author's surname (or the surname of the first author, if the work has more than one). The structure and form indicated in the points above must be maintained. In the case of chapters in a book, articles that are part of a collective work or journal articles, the pages of the work in question must be cited in full, from the beginning to the end.

NOTE: Journal Díkaion does not charge authors for submitting or processing  articles  for publication.  It is a non-profit scientific journal with an interest in publishing articles of value to the community.   Consequently, there is no cost for publication, nor are readers charged  for consultation.


Anti-plagiarism software


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Díkaion journal, since 2019, uses Turnitin to check the papers before they go in the peer-review process.


Archived manuscripts ("Archived" status)


If your article is rejected for any reason, you will receive an email regarding this and your manuscript will automatically be filed on our platform as an "Archived" submission.


The archived status does not mean that your article is no longer unpublished or that it is in an active process with the journal. Therefore, it can be sent to another publication. The rejection email is proof of this.


If you have a specific request on this subject, we request to email us to


Policy added: 2020/04/20

Respuesta a Piezas Maestras

Respuesta Evaluada

La Revista publica escritos cortos (de alrededor de 3000 palabras) que contengan una respuesta a alguna Pieza Maestra para Lectores Hispanos que se publique en el mismo número donde se planea publicar la respuesta. Los autores de la Respuesta deberán seguir las mismas normas de citación y bibliografía que exige Díkaion.

Finalmente, a pesar de que este tipo de piezas usualmente no se evalúa por pares, la Revista es sensible a la afectación que la Pandemia del COVID-19 ha tenido sobre el trabajo de académicos, particularmente aquellos con obligaciones de cuidado familiar. Por eso, los autores deberán indicar si desean que su contribución sea revisada por pares, para efectos de que pueda ser indexada en las bases de datos a las cuales pertenece Díkaion.

Response to paper

Respuesta No Evaluada

La Revista publica escritos cortos (de alrededor de 3000 palabras) que contengan una respuesta a alguna Pieza Maestra para Lectores Hispanos que se publique en el mismo número donde se planea publicar la respuesta. Los autores de la Respuesta deberán seguir las mismas normas de citación y bibliografía que exige Díkaion.

Finalmente, a pesar de que este tipo de piezas usualmente no se evalúa por pares, la Revista es sensible a la afectación que la Pandemia del COVID-19 ha tenido sobre el trabajo de académicos, particularmente aquellos con obligaciones de cuidado familiar. Por eso, los autores deberán indicar si desean que su contribución sea revisada por pares, para efectos de que pueda ser indexada en las bases de datos a las cuales pertenece Díkaion. 

Privacy Statement

This journal and its contents are the property of Universidad de La Sabana and, therefore, may be accessed solely for reading or printing, as a personal copy, but not for profit. Prior authorization from Universidad de La Sabana is required for any other use, such as the reproduction, transformation, public communication or distribution of said material for a profit.

The names and email addresses included in this jorunal shall be used solely for the declared purposes of this journal and shall not be made available for any other purpose or to any other person.

The articles published in this journal represent the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Universidad de La Sabana.

OBSERVATION: Díkaion does not charge authors for sending and processing articles submitted for publication.  It is a scientific journal that is interested in publishing quality content on a non-profit basis.  Accordingly, there are no costs for publication and readers are not charged for queries.