Corporate Short-Termism as an Expression of the Shareholder Primacy Model and the Need to Rethink It: The United States and Colombia


  • Daniela Alvarado Guzmán Author Grupo Élite contra Colusiones de la Delegatura de Protección de la Competencia, Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio
  • Lina María López Gómez Author Gerente de Asuntos Legales y Recursos Humanos, Condimentos El Rey



Cortoplacismo, problemas de agencia, shareholder primacy model, stakeholder model


Corporate short-termism is an expression of the shareholder primacy model, analyzed from its application in the United States and Colombia. Increased shareholder earnings in the short term could give rise to negative externalities in other stakeholders and jeopardize the future of the company and the investments of the shareholders themselves in the long term. Hence, it is relevant and necessary to rethink this model, adopt the stakeholder model, and provide managers with a mediating role between the different stakeholders. Additionally, shareholders must be held accountable; it is time to start discussing the assignment of express duties to them, beyond good faith and the prohibition of abusing rights, as is the case of managers.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Guzmán, D., & López Gómez, L. M. (2021). Corporate Short-Termism as an Expression of the Shareholder Primacy Model and the Need to Rethink It: The United States and Colombia. Díkaion, 30(2), 462–498.


