La transformación conceptual del modelo político clásico del Estado en Tomás de Aquino
State, Thomas Aquinas, classical political model, modern political model, natureAbstract
The Conceptual Transformation of the Classic Political Model of the State in Thomas Aquinas
A transformação conceitual do modelo político clássico do Estado em Tomás de Aquino
From a conceptual point of view, the history of political theory presents grosso modo two great models which explain the emergence and the aims of the State. On the one hand, a classic model, represented by Plato, Aristotle and Cicero, which is characterized by the purpose of achieving the conformation of virtuous men. On the other hand, a modern model, which understands the State as a consequence to satisfy the necessities of life, to solve conflicts between individuals and guarantee their preservation. Between both historical moments (antiquity and modernity), the medieval political thought hides the key to understand that change. In fact, this was perceived some time ago by Arendt, Habermas and much more recently by Bertelloni. Focused on this topic, this paper has the purpose of analyzing how the shift appears in Thomas Aquinas as a result of an (un)conscious resemantization of the concept of nature (phýsis/natura) and also the emergence of a special context of enunciation that made possible the novelty.
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Eduardo Esteban Magoja, “La transformación conceptual del modelo político clásico del Estado en Tomás de Aquino”, en Dikaion 28, 2 (2019), 333-354. DOI:
Recibido: 22/11/2018
Aceptado: 07/12/2018
Publicado: 24/10/2019
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