El Estado regulador. Implicancias para el control judicial de la discrecionalidad administrativa





Welfare state, economic regulation, administrative discretion, judicial control of public administration


The regulatory State. Implications for the judicial control of administrative discretion

O Estado regulador. Implicações para o controle judicial da discricionariedade administrativa

The objective of this paper is to rethink the criteria on which the judicial control of administrative discretion is currently based. Currently, court decisions limit the margin of discretion or free choice towards administrative authorities in unforeseen situations. Therefore, in this article we propose to show the need of a new paradigm in the judicial control of the Public Administration that, at the same time, collect, orient and regulate the rules of the economy in search of the fullest satisfaction of the common good; this, given the model of Welfare State currently in force. To doing so, the Administrative Law, together with the Judicial Power, are constituted as two essential legal tools that, more than confrontation or tension, as we have seen until today, require coordination and self-restriction.

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Mariano Carbajales. “El Estado regulador. Implicancias para el control judicial de la discrecionalidad administrativa”, en Dikaion, 28, 1 (2019). 69-89. DOI: 10.5294/dika.2019.28.1.3.

Recibido: 01/08/2018

Aceptado: 13/09/2018


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Author Biography

Mariano Osvlado Carbajales, Universidad Católica de Temuco

Doctor en Ciencias Juridicas

Master en Derecho de la Unión Europea

Diplomado en Políticas Públicas


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How to Cite

Carbajales, M. O. (2019). El Estado regulador. Implicancias para el control judicial de la discrecionalidad administrativa. Díkaion, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.5294/dika.2019.28.1.3


